The Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are beneficial to the health
and development of any organism that uses the source of all life - the SUN. This
patented far-infrared "Ceramic Heater" uses dense pottery to form a 160-degree
dome who rays penetrate deep into organs. It raises body
heat and expands the capillaries in the safest way possible to accelerate
blood circulation, speed up metabolism, eliminate tiredness, boost energy,
and relieve pain.
the magnetic spectrum, some rays, such as light, can be
seen by the unaided human eye. Most, however, are totally
invisible to us. Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are well beyond
the ability the naked eye to see, yet can be felt as a
warm comfortable feeling of well being.
under a Japan technology patent, The Ceramic Heater has
earned popular and professional acclaim in Japan after many
years of successful use and is classified as a Class 2 Medical
8~10 micron Far Infrared Ray:
Normal human body temperature is 98.6 degrees. Most of our
body heat is typically radiated away as far infrared at the
8 ~ 10 micron wavelength. (That is why a room full of people
becomes warm.) So, if we generate 8 ~ 10 micron far infrared
and direct it at a human body, it matches the radiant energy
leaving the body and is best for the body overall comfort.
160-degree arched design with reflective silicon surface:
upper Radiant Heating Surface of The Ceramic Heater is covered
with a very fine multi-faceted acute-angle silicon surface.
Ceramic Heaters on the
market have a carbon metallic surface. When rays
are scattered in all directions by the countless surfaces
created by the silicon crystals,
the effectiveness of the 160-degree span is amplified for
maximum absorption.
The radiant transmission area is increased some 10-fold.
wouldn’t be possible to produce the effective warmth
The Ceramic Heater achieves without the combination of these
two design concepts: proper wavelength and a special reflective

Electronically Controlled & Safety Feature:
The surface temperature is automatically controlled by
a built-in, specially designed regulator, which only
allows a set temperature while a safety device precludes
any chance
of overheating from a malfunction.
Simple To Operate:
The Ceramic Heater provides its warmth without ever
having to touch the skin. Just set the timer and relax.
It consumes a mere 5 cents
worth of electricity per hour.
Small, Portable and Can Be Used in Many Positions:
This is NOT like the huge FIR instruments you may have
seen elsewhere. Ours is sized just right
home use. The Hot House ® can
be used in various positions even while performing relaxing
activities. It can be placed over any part of your body
while lying or sitting.

also comes with the armrests and extensions and can even
be placed behind your back while sitting in a chair:

Maximum: 15-60 minutes, twice daily. You will experience
warmth and comfort. Use it on regular basis. A very slight
reddening of the skin is normal. The feeling you get is
much like that from a good massage.
WARNING: This device should NOT be used if you have any acute
diseases, open sores, a serious heart condition, are using
a pacemaker, or have serious high blood pressure.
Detailed Information and Research on the Benefits of Far
Infrared Rays
Hot House - Ceramic Heater -
Regular Price: $1200.00
See Special Offers Here-Use Sponsor ID A226981
information (707) 459-0241 or Email